SCOPE-Strengthening Community Partnership & Empowerment


awareness and drug abuse.

The project started on December 2013 and ended on May 2014 and was conducted in three locations in Kilifi County namely Chonyi, Chumani and Matsangoni where drug and alcohol abuse was rampant. 



  • To promote prevention of alcohol abuse and effects among the youths in the community by holding sessions and referral of alcoholics to health services
  • To create awareness on alcohol abuse and its effects.
  • To promote social awareness and community change towards.

Quick Request


  • Officially flagging off of the community awareness campaign (Road show) at Chonyi by the County Deputy Speaker as the chief Guest, and other Government officials which resulted in a big turn up. Involvement by the local government on the fight against this menace is a big leap towards this fight.
  • AdvocacyThe community was ready to listen and accept the message, and during a one on one talk with the youths, they openly admitted that alcohol and drugs have long time effects and promised to reduce the consumption and later completely stop taking the drugs.
  • In the awareness campaign there was music for entertainment and a short drama which gives a brief image of what is happening to the community in terms of alcohol and drug abuse and this pulls a big crowd which gives the speakers the platform to create awareness on the use of the substance.
  • Mnazi dens no longer operate throughout the day but at the legal time hence increased productivity.
  • Support from the Government – A Peer Educator from Chumani was given a platform to address the community on alcohol abuse among the youths during Agricultural Field Day celebrations.
  • Local drama which combines entertainment and education is effective in creating awareness on alcohol and drug abuse in a wide spectrum of community members. The direct beneficiaries of the projects who were reached through one on one and group sessions were a total of 2908 individuals; 1072 female and 1836 male.


SCOPE works with various government institutions, local agencies and non-governmental organizations to drive forth its agenda of social change in the communities. Our partners in our projects include Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Local Governments, World Food Programme,   USAID, International labour organization, US Peace Corps, Population Council, APHIA II, FHI, PSI/K, VSO Jitolee just but to mention a few.