SCOPE-Strengthening Community Partnership & Empowerment

Facilitation of Business Training

Facilitation of Business TrainingSCOPE’s wide range of work also includes facilitation of business trainings. SCOPE has facilitated a number of business trainings targeting various groups.

The program works to provide these groups with the skills and support required to successfully start-up income-generating activities. We work with a range of other local NGO’s and State/ Parastatal organisations to provide marketing information and business resources to several groups.

Our achievements

  1. Trained 23 HIV/AIDS support groups (KIKASU) from across Kilifi and Kaloleni on Business and Business start-up which has seen all groups start successful savings groups providing an exit for FBP clients. Other trained components on the support groups include; Resource Mobilization, Socio-economic Dynamics in relation to HIV& AIDS, Agronomics amongst others. Twelve of our groups are now successfully generating income by producing eco-friendly charcoal, thus also helping prevent further eco-damage from charcoal production in Kilifi. We worked together with another partner, Wild Living
  2. Help start and train a Vision 2030 Youth network made up of plus 200 youth in Kaloleni District. The Network is setting up four businesses around Coconut, Castor Oil and Art.
  3. SCOPE BDS works with Export Promotion Council (EPC) to link Groups with Businesses that possess potential export quality products such as Coconuts
  4. SCOPE BDS has set-up Savings groups with the 300plus Peer Educators SCOPE trained with USAID and Ministry of Health under the APHIA II project. The savings scheme helps to ensure that the excellent Community Health and awareness work that these Peer Educators do, is sustained as the groups are strengthen and empowered.

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( If you are interested in our service “facilitation of business trainings” kindly contact the SCOPE team for more information.

Scope Business Incubator

SCOPE business incubator at Tezo Market opened its doors mid July 2014. This project was started as an implementing agent of the exited child labour program in which total of 26 girls were trained on tailoring skills while 13 others were trained on salon and beauty skills. The business incubator shall help 11 young and vulnerable girls to be self-reliant through provision of an enabling business environment for a period of two year. Once they are equipped with enhanced vocational and new acquired entrepreneurial skills they will be able to move on independently.


Provision of model business incubator to enable acquisition of new business and marketing skills.

Generate income to make incubator self-sufficient.

Acquisition of tools for the girls after incubation period (2 years) to start new businesses.


  • Two stalls rented at Tezo market and equipped with necessary machinery and products.
  • Tailoring and Beauty & Hair salon opened mid July 2014
  • Young ladies were trained on business related topics
  • Tailoring shop as extended its product range to printing of Kikoys
  • School uniform production is about to start


SCOPE works with various government institutions, local agencies and non-governmental organizations to drive forth its agenda of social change in the communities. Our partners in our projects include Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Local Governments, World Food Programme,   USAID, International labour organization, US Peace Corps, Population Council, APHIA II, FHI, PSI/K, VSO Jitolee just but to mention a few.